Friday, December 11, 2009

An Advent Thought

If you're like me (which I probably wouldn't admit if I were you), the Advent season seems to bring with it a serious case of distraction and lack of focus. It's almost like I have seasonal ADD. The mystery and wonder of Christ's coming into our world is too easily overshadowed and lost in all of my own comings and goings. I recently came across these words and have been reading them over frequently to help me renew and maintain my sense of Advent mystery, amazement, and gratitude. Perhaps they will help you as well - if, unfortunately, you're like me.

A marvelous wonder has this day come to pass:
Nature is made new, and God becomes man.
That which he was, he has remained;
And that which he was not, he has taken on himself
While suffering neither confusion or division.
How shall I tell of this great mystery?
He who is without flesh becomes incarnate;
The Word puts on a body;
The Invisible is seen;
He whom no hand can touch is handled;
And he who has no beginning now begins to be.
The Son of God becomes the Son of Man:
Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and for ever.
-From Vespers on Christmas Day

1 comment:

keithturtle said...

Embrace the mystery and find a way to get others to at least consider it.

Good post

Bro Keith